Christmas is right around the corner and despite it being a time for love, family, and celebrations, it can also be stressful when it comes to Christmas gifts.
And while Lebanon is going through a difficult time, we thought the least we could do to support its economy is to buy Lebanese products from Lebanese businesses. Whether you live in Lebanon, or an expat, we highly encourage you to buy Lebanese.
We have created a list of 100+ Lebanese businesses you need to buy from this Christmas to help you find the best gift ideas in Lebanon for any budget. To make it even easier on you, we categorized them below.

PS: These are the answers we got on our Instagram page, if you feel like recommending other Lebanese businesses, make sure to reach out either by leaving a comment under this article or on @the.rahal on Instagram. Help us spread the word and share it with as many people as possible.
Lebanese businesses in Lebanon
- Mellow (@lovmellow): Handmade Organic towels and home accessories
- Sikasok (@sikasok_): Happy socks
- Lebelik (@lebelik_com): Modern fashion, accessories, home goods and Jewelry designs
- Mourad’s Shop (@mouradsshop): Embroided towels and baby clothes
- C by CYNTHIA (cbycynthia): Luxury Leather Handbags
- Piedi Leggeri (@Piedi Leggeri): Online shoe store
- Every Wear ( Handmade painting on Clothing
- Sarah’s Bag Boutique (@sarahsbagboutique): Lebanese luxury hand crafted bags and accessories
- BOSHIES (@boshies.official): Arabic clothing items
- My made ( Handmade accessories
- La Rose De Sim (@larosedesim): leather goods and accessories made in Lebanon
- Mandy Saab (@mandysaabofficial): Footwear designer
- Average Fish ( Lebanese Handmade Silk Screen clothing
- SLYP (@slypsocks): Designer socks produced in Lebanon
- Roones (@roonesshop): customized painted clothing designs
- Lina Brax (@linabrax): bags designer
- Bois de lune ( Handmade wooden bags
- Tchenshol (@tchenshol): Handmade funky lebanese accessories.
- All the Rage (@alltheragedesigns_lb): Customizing Special Items (T-shirts, pouches, stockings)
- Plume Boutique ( Online shop
- urbanfeetlb (@urbanfeetlb): Lebanese urban socks
Handcraft / Personalized items / Gift shops
- Mellow (@lovmellow): Handmade Organic towels and home accessories
- L’atelier des artisans (@latelier_des_artisans): Embroidery Customized gift
- Artésanal By AD (@artesanal_by_ad): Handmade passport holders
- All the Rage (@alltheragedesigns_lb): Customizing Special Items (T-shirts, pouches, stockings)
- Crochet By Maguy (@crochet_by_maguy): Handmade crochet crafts
- WIRED by Fnoon Jnoon (@w.i.r.e.d.f.j): Handmade Customized Wire Jewelry
- Nancessories (@nancessories): Customized gifts
- Pozzolana (@pozzolana_craft): Customized Concrete planter and Pots
- Fee Creativity (@feecreativity): Handmade creative Christmas cards
- Stitched (@stitchedlb): Cross stitch designs
- Ebre W Kheit (@ebrewkheit): customized handmade items
- Hikayat Habki (@7keit_7abki): Handmade crafts
- L’atelier Du Cuir (@latelier.du.cuir): Handmade leather crafts
- Sinaret Gigi (@sinaretgigi) : knitted items, handmade Purses Chunky blanket and Bed Bumpers
- Madruzi (@madruzi): Passport holders, hats and more
- Dachaq (@dachaq): Upcycled Patchwork pillows, bohemian carpets, plaids
- Craft and Arts (@craft_andarts): Handmade paper craft
- Art en ciel Tripoli (@_artenciel_): Hand painted items
- The Crafter (@thecrafter.961): Customized string art pieces
- Bkerzay (@Bkerzay): Handcrafted Potteries
- Luana El Turk (@luanaticbeirut): mugs, maps, games about Lebanon
- HERA Knits (@heraknits): wool knitted items (scarfs, headpieces,etc..)
- Rim N Roll (@rim_roll): Haute Couture Embroidered Handmade Bags and Clutches
- Hangables (@Hangables): Gift ideas, decoration items and wall art
- Gift Basement (@Gift Basement): Funko Pop, Harry Potter, Game of thrones, Marvel, geek shop
- Noqta (@noqtacrafts): Hand drawn Potteries, Ceramics, stones, Handmade Dream catchers
- Mode on Lebanon (@modeonlebanon): mugs. Covers, pins
- Santa Rosa Atelier ( Hand crafted home decotation
- Moitié Bleu Moitié Lilas (@moitiebleu_moitielilas): Handmade Goods (key chains, mugs etc.)
- Jo’s Art in a Cup (@art.inacup): hand painted mugs
- Hand crafts by Aya (@Handmadecraftsbyaya): Hand made items
- Gmj.giftbox (@Gmj.giftbox): Make your own gift box
- Sabounna (@Sabounna): Organic handmade soaps & bath items – Saida
- Tinaty Group (@tinaty_group): Decoration, Balloons
- Hearts and Cards (@heartsandcardslb): Greeting Cards and customized ornaments
- Bea Mini (@beamini.handmadecrafts): Mom & Daughter Handmade Customized Cross Stitch
- hoops & hopes (@hoops.n.hopes1): Handmade Gifts
- Clux (@Clux.Lb): home items
- Teta W Dayeta (@tetawdayeta_): handmade products crochet items
- Khan Al Saboun Lebanon (@khanalsabounlebanon): Organic Soaps
- Nova Soap (@nova.soap): Handmade Lebanese organic Soap
- Al Hala soap (@alhalasoap): 100% Natural Olive Oil soaps
- Noondesign (@noondesignlb): Customized Lights
- Mrs Wire by Juliana Khoury (@mrswirelb): Handmade Wire items (ornaments, decoration)
- Mimelle (@mimelle.handmade): handmade sellers in one platform
- ( customized gift items
- ( Framed Posters printed on canvas for Children Rooms
- Grace’s Art Print (@graces_artprint): Customized Passport Covers
- Brut.lebanon (@brut.lebanon): Pot d’beton
- Ideo parfumeurs (@ideoparfumeurs): Vegan Perfumes
- Accessoriesbyjess (@Accessoriesbyjess): handmade accessories
- Yaslamli (@yaslamli): Trendy accessories
- Lerfies (@lerfies): Handmade fashion accessories
- Belle De Nuit creations (@belledenuitcreations): Handmade Candle holders
- By Lara Batrouni (@bylarabatrouni): handmade accessories
- Paradico ( Natural Aromatherapy products, designed using the finest essential oils
- L’Atelier – Handmade Gifts (@theateliergoeshandmade): customized decorative items
- Beyti (@beytibyarabesque): textiles and accessories
- ZaFeel by Zayna Ayyad (@zafeelz): hand painted Home décor items
- TARTOOKA’S ARRANGEMENTS (@artookas.arrangements): customized arrangements
- Best Wishes (@best.wishes.leb): Decoration for special occasions
- Simply by Romy (@simplyby.romy): Home-based Baker
- De La Pati à modeler (@delapatiamodeler): Chocolate, ornaments, event set ups
- Choc d’Amour (@ChocdAmour): Chocolate, personalized favors & souvenirs, table design
- Queen of tarts ( Homemade salty and sweet tarts
- Sept Winery (@septwinery): Lebanese organic wine
- Ô Délires (@odelires): Chocolate sets
- El’s Butter (@elsbutterlb): Artisan Gourmet Nut Butter
- Style and sprinkles (@styleandsprinkleslb): Cakes and decoration
- Honeydee (@Honeydee_lb): Honey gift baskets
- Sweet things sweet shop (@sweetthingssweetshop): Homemade sweets, cakes and desserts
- FouDelicious ( Healthy and natural butters and energy balls
- Nature By Marc Beyrouthy (@naturebymarcbeyrouthy): Lebanese Mouneh
- Agonist Coffee Shop (@agonistcoffeeshop): Shop that employs people with disabilities
- M de Noir (@mdenoir): Award winning Lebanese chocolate
- Awan Tea (awanteashop): Wide range of quality Lebanese teas and infusions
- Crêpes À La Carte (@crepealacarte): Crepe and sweets
- The Candy Bunch (@thecandybunch): homemade cakes
- PawPots (@pawpots): homemade Ready-to-eat meals for Dogs
- Oak Honey produced locally in Kaakour mountain
Jewelry / Accessories
- Fairouz Jewelry ( Fashion Jewelry Designer
- Juwly Jewelry ( Fashion Jewelry Designer
- Lebelik (@lebelik_com): Modern fashion, accessories, home goods and Jewelry Lebanese designs
- Sophia (@sophia_beirut): Fashion Jewelry Designer
- Dhiamandi (@dhiamandi_jewellery): tailored and hand-picked diamonds and jewelry
- Vanina (@vanina_world): fashion and accessories
- Simply by Romy (@simplyby.romy): Home-based Baker
- De La Pati à modeler (@delapatiamodeler): Chocolate, ornaments, event set ups
- Choc d’Amour (@ChocdAmour): Chocolate, personalized favors & souvenirs, table design
- Queen of tarts ( Homemade salty and sweet tarts
- Ô Délires (@odelires): Chocolate sets
- Style and sprinkles (@styleandsprinkleslb): Cakes and decoration
- Honeydee (@Honeydee_lb): Honey gift baskets
- Sweet things sweet shop (@sweetthingssweetshop): Homemade sweets, cakes and desserts
- FouDelicious ( Healthy and natural butters and energy balls
- Nature By Marc Beyrouthy (@naturebymarcbeyrouthy): Lebanese Mouneh
- Agonist Coffee Shop (@agonistcoffeeshop): Shop that employs people with disabilities
- M de Noir (@mdenoir): Award winning Lebanese chocolate
- Awan Tea (awanteashop): Wide range of quality Lebanese teas and infusions
- Crêpes À La Carte (@crepealacarte): Crepe and sweets
- PawPots (@pawpots): homemade Ready-to-eat meals for Dogs
Experiences / Services
- Kitchen Lab ( cooking class with diner and drinks
- Wine tasting tour in any of the wineries
- Annie Arto (@Annieartphotography): Baby Christmas Photos session
- Weekend Getaway in Faraya, Laqlouq, Faqra, Shouf (check @lebanesewanderers on Instagram for ideas about guest houses in Shouf), the Cedars.
- Books by Lebanese authors: I can think of “The complete opposite of everything” (@completeoppositeofeverything)
- Calindala (@calindala_by_caline): Mandalas drawings on canvas and accessories
- Every Wear ( Handmade painting on Clothing
- Trait Sucré: (@traitsucre): Embroidery art
- بالعربية (@bel_3arabiye): Quotes written on any item
- Karim Ramadan (@kthelandscaper): Posters photographed in Lebanon
- Fine Art ( handcrafter frames and wooden tables
- Zena Yashoui Paintings (@Zenayachouipaintings): Modern contemporary Paintings
- Carly’ s handmade (@arlyshandmade): Handmade Posters of Jesus and Saints
- BIRDY By Nadine Abounohra (@birdy.byna): Product design
- Andrew Bejjani (@andrew_bejjani): Saints statues
Plants / arrangements
- Nature By Marc Beyrouthy (@naturebymarcbeyrouthy): Plants
- Le Temps Des Fleurs (@le_temps_des_fleurs): planted flowers, succulents, aromatics, plants
- Une plantation de cèdres personnalisés (en ton nom) avec Jouzour loubnan
- Masaha (@masahadesign) : wedding flowers, event decoration, landscaping etc.
We hope that this list has inspired you with gifts ideas. We truly believe it’s so important to encourage Lebanese in Lebanon and expats to buy from Lebanese businesses because they’re counting on us.
This list can come in handy for any other occasions too. We have to be all in this together and encourage the Lebanese industries and products. Helps us spread the word and share this with as many people you know. Every dime counts.
Until then, we wish a Merry and blessed Christmas to everyone!
Miled and Melissa
The Rahal